First United Methodist Church of Unadilla NY 170 Main Street, Unadilla NY 13849 Church's Phone: 607-369-2052 Church's email: [email protected] 61-3688 Pastor's email: [email protected]
A Message from Our Pastor's Pen..... Dear Church, I woke early due to a change in the light streaming through the window this morning and was surprised to discover the ground blanketed in white snow. Rather than being overcome with dread of the impending winter season, I felt a sudden surge of renewing energy and hopefulness. In Isaiah 1:18 we read, “’Come now, let us reason together’, says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’” How amazing is God’s grace! We have been walking an uncertain path during these Pandemic Days and it may be tempting to acquiesce to the weariness and fail to recognize any hopefulness. But Christians are like hardy bulbs, “When you plant a bulb, you’re sure you’re going to the kind of plant you like.” Remember we are created in the image of God and growing into Christ-likeness. Hardy bulbs can survive harsh winter temperatures. Not only can they survive in harsh conditions, they rely on the cold temperatures to ensure beautiful spring blossoms! May we consider the upcoming winter season as a time of spiritual nourishment? A time for restoration and renewal. While the Lord leads us beside quiet waters and makes us lie down in green pastures of summertime, He also watches over and protects us with the rod and staff in all seasons of life. If winter restricts our mobility and interaction with others due to limited outdoor engagements, perhaps we can embrace these days as time to adopt spiritual disciplines, “your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” There is great freedom in discipline. This is one of its gifts. Explore the writings of Christian mystics or church Fathers; Gregory of Nazianzus, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Teresa of Avila, Ambrose, or Augustine to name a few. Consider taking up the Daily Office as prescribed by St. Benedict. Experiment with chanting or singing daily Psalms. These 150 songs will easily carry us into spring if we engage with one each day. I have heard it said that when we sing, we pray twice! You may want to consider adopting a prayer partner or Upper Room companion. This could be something as simple as calling each other at a prescribed time and taking turns reading a prayer or daily devotional. With a clear purpose there is no reason to worry about having to find topics for conversation beyond the readings, but as time passes, I expect the Lord will provide water and light for spiritual friendship. As I look out the window of my study and see the snow falling, I imagine us as the Body of Christ. Each of us are tucked away in our own homes. Some of us are at work. All of us are connected by Divine love and God’s purpose. Together we, wherever we are, by God’s hand fall into the world as a blanket of love to cover and warm each other’s hearts and any who we encounter in the world. The white snow reflects bright light and reminds us that Jesus IS the light of the world. John’s gospel speaks of the light, “The light shines in the darkness” and “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” After the gray days which preceded this snowfall, the reflection of sunlight off the white is a welcome gift! Let’s keep our eyes and hearts open to possibilities and God’s promises. There is no need to dread the winter. We can embrace the season and trust God is at work in us as individuals and as the church, nourishing us so that we may blossom with Good News, bringing joy, hope, and love into the world in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Blessings and agape love,Pastor Brandi [email protected] 607-761-3688 (text/call) _____________________________ 1 TulipTime; Christine Facciolo 2 Psalm 23:4b 3 John 1:5 4J ohn 8:12